Monday, October 30, 2006


I hate naps. Not hers, mine. Unless they are happening during summer, on cool sheets and small clothes where you will definitely wake up while it is still light.

During any other season, naps always end at around 5:00 or 6:00, when daylight is dimming and the silvery feeling of night encroaches. You wake up, and you wonder how long you have been gone. Even when entwined with another, there is a desperately lonely feeling about awakening from a nap -- combined with hunger, panic and confusion. Naps make me feel weak, which may also be why I always lie when anyone calls in the middle of the night and ask if they have awakened me. It could be 2:00 AM, but I always say, "no, no, I am up".

I guess I feel that naps are for the old, the depressed, the overwhelmed. I just hate missing any part of the day -- the sun, the light, the possibilities.